All Your Data and Documents – Delivered.
Vinetegrate® is a Certified Data Migrations Partner with Filevine®. With the combined experience of our staff team of former Filevine data engineers, no one has delivered more data and doc migration projects from as many different legacy systems as Vinetegrate’s dedicated team of expert professionals.
Pricing is based on the level of detail of data and document migraiton required and what legacy system your firm or company is coming from.
Initial Implementations
Migrating to FilevineWe support firms coming to Filevine from any legacy database (SQL) system. We have solutions and plans for firms with tens of thousands of cases including historic data, and true solos with only a few dozen cases to move over.
We Can ImportContacts · Cases · Case Data · Documents · Tasks · Emails · Notes · Time & Billing Data · Expenses · Insurers · Defendants · Medicals
Filevine to Filevine
Migrating Within FilevineNeed to move Filvine data and docs within Filevine? Once you’re live on Filevine, there’s no easy way to move data from one template or org to another – until now. We specialize in moving data and docs within Filevine.
We Can MoveContacts · Cases · Case Data · Documents · Tasks · Emails · Notes · Time & Billing Data · Expenses · Insurers · Defendants · Medicals
Easy Data ImportImporting data to Filevine used to rely on specialists like Vinetegrate, but not anymore – with the release of VineMigrator™, anyone can move data into Filevine on demand.
You Can ImportContacts · Projects · Project Level Data · Collection Sections · Static Sections · Calendar Entries in Timezone Choice · Person Fields in Sections
VineMigrator ™ is the first of it’s kind publicly avaialble data migration and data import tool for Filevine®. Stop doing manual data entry and save hours, money, and frustration.
- New Cases from Lead Gen: Import them all at once
- Mass Tort Cases: Add new Contacts, Projects, and Collection Items en masse
- Class Action: Bring in New Projects Regularly
- Unique Mass Updates: Mass update change of address for multiple entities at once
- Variable Import: Set different Project Phases and Variable Data according to your needs
- Go Beyond Standards Migration: Many small firms only get extremely limited “Standards” migrations from other partners. Bring in ALL your data!
Mass Data Importer Tool - Self-Managed- Contact Records Create/Update
- Projects Create/Update/Delete
- Static Section Data Create/Update
- Collection Section Data Create/Update/Delete
- Calendar Create/Delete
- Activity Feed Data
- Time & Billing Data
- Users Create/Delete
- Documents Migration
Custom Scripting
Migrate Data from Any SQL System- Contacts Created
- Projects Created
- Static/Collection Sections
- All Activity Feed Data
- Calendar, Time & Billing
- Documents Migration
- Users and Permissions
- Phase and Data Alignments
- Staging & Test Environments
Put VineMigrator™ to Work Today
Import Data for Launch
Coming to Filevine for the first time is a major transition, and if you aren’t bringing in all your case data, that transition can be messy. Not anymore. Import all your case data with VineMigrator, our mass data import tool for Filevine. If you can get the data into a spreadsheet and formatted, VineMigrator can import your static section data, collection sections, data, calendar appointments, and more.
Regular Data Import
Firms need to be able to import data to Filevine regularly. Whether it’s bulk data import for new clients or cases, or treatment or expense info, mass importing or mass updating cases dynamically and on demand is one of the best use cases for VineMigrator. Mass tort and class action practitioners can automatically import contacts and projects and project level data in just a few simple steps. No more manual data entry.
How To Use VineMigrator™
Sign Up
Sign up for a VineMigrator™ account and make a deposit. We charge by number of rows processed successfully.
Prepare Data
Choose your job title and export the pre-formatted CSV template. Align your data to our template, import, and review.
Data Populates
Sit back, relax, and watch as your job progresses and data flow seemlessly into your Filevine environment.
All Your Data. Delivered.
Another Partner Dropped the Ball?
We Know. We’re Here to Help.
Unfortunately, most of the partners who offer Filevine implementations are focused on doing as little work as possible at a low cost of entry for firms. The problem for firms is that you get what you pay for – which is often a “sprint” or “standards” migration that only imports contacts, projects, and (maybe) documents as fast, cheap, and effortlessly as possible.
The result is that you projects are missing crucial context and data from Static and Collection Sections like intake data, SOLs, insurers, defendants, medicals, and liens, settlement data, pleadings and court filings, and everything else.
Let’s pick up where they left off with VineMigrator. If you can get your data into spreadsheets, you can import everything that was left out to Filevine. Not sure how to get your data into spreadsheets? We can help you with that, too.

Certified, Proven, and Trusted by Filevine.
Vinetegrate is a Certified Implementations & Data Migrations Partner with Filevine. That means we’ve demonstrated the training, experience, and skill to build and deliver quality migration work. Plus, our in-house staff of engineers hail directly from Filevine.
Request a Consultation!
Ready to get started? We offer a complimentary 1-hour consultation to discuss your data migration needs and find the best solution that delivers.